We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get a copy of your medical record. There are several options below to make the process convenient. Please note that in compliance with state and federal laws, all requests must be submitted in writing, completely filled out and signed.
On the form you will indicate which records to be released (Lab, X-ray,
ER, etc.) and how we should release the records--if you will pick up the
records or if you would like us to mail them to you or your doctor. Please
allow 7-10 days for requests to be processed.
There will be a nominal charge for copying. It is based on the amount of
pages to be copied. However, if records are being sent to another physician,
the fee will be waived.
The completed and signed form may be mailed, faxed, or delivered to:
Wabash General Hospital Attn: Health Information Management 1418 College Drive Mount Carmel, IL 62863 (618) 263-6313 Fax: (618) 263-6481Click here to contact us.